Ko Raukawa te Iwi
Ko Tainui Te Waka
Ko Waikato Te Awa
Ko Maungatautari Te Maunga
We are an Iwi Radio Station located in the South Waikato Area in the heart of Tokoroa.
Emare- Rose Nikora temporarily stepped out of Kohanga in 1990 to establish the Raukawa Trustboard and went on to establish the Raukawa Radio Station in 1990.
Te Reo Irirangi O Raukawa began broadcasting on the 23rd October 1990, with keen motivated people that were determined on making this a Radio Station that people would want to listen, learn and contribute to.
Fast forward to 2022, today Raukawa Vibes is run by a young vibrant group of multi talented individuals. Together as a team we are dynamic and have visions that will take Raukawa Vibes to new levels.
I'm a proud Samoan, Māori, and a touch of Cook Islander who loves food and adventure. Born in Tokoroa and raised in Putaruru, I’ve always embraced my cultural heritage and the beauty of different places. I’m a behind-the-camera kind of gal, capturing moments rather than being in the spotlight. My passion for travel and storytelling drives me to explore new perspectives and create unique memories wherever I go. Slayyyyyy!
I tō tātou Kīngitanga, e ngā iwi o Raukawa,me ngā iwi o temotu nei, tēnā rā koutou katoa. I was raised speaking Māori in Tauranga.
My work is about current political events, Māori culture, and history in Te Reo Māori.
Kia ora to you all.
Born and bred in Tokoroa.
Love life and love Tokoroa
Kia Ora, Kia Orana, Talofa Lava.
Just a laid-back, “to myself” kind of guy who’s all about learning and vibing to good music. I pour passion into everything I do and’m stoked to be part of the crew bringing Raukawa Vibes to life, keeping the audience in the loop and on a vibe.
Kia Ora, I’m of Maori Descent & I’m passionate about travelling, nature walks, and chasing waterfalls, always bringing good vibes wherever I go. I cherish the laughter and connection I share with friends and whānau, also adding new zest to life & my Raukawa Vibes crew. My whānau inspire me every day, pushing me forward with positivity & love.
Mauri Ora Vibers,
I’m a proud Māori with big dreams, making my way through life in a small town. I’m here to inspire rangatahi to aim high, believe in themselves, and never settle for less. You’ll find me eating, vibing with whānau, and always pushing for more. Living with purpose and chasing greatness every day!
Talofa Lava, Its DR FRESH here Been in the business for around 29 odd year and still love it like the very first day I started… Family means the world to me, and locality is what I'm built on along with respect and humility… My goal is to be the best possible vision of myself, So I can be an instrument for others wanting a career in this industry.
Always remembering God as number 1 and loving my Mum, Wife and Kids… One of my favorite quotes is” Always rest at the end but never in the middle " set your goals and smash them out!!! there is plenty of time to rest at the end… Alofa Atu!
One Love.. My Sons! Purpose and Passion Driven
Me = Numbers + Strategies + Policies + Governance
Some important moments in the timeline of Raukawa Vibes.
Māori language - every day, every way, everywhere!
One-stop-shop solution for advertisers who want to reach a Māori audience.
Te mana kaha o te whānau! - doing things that make whānau strong
Preserving and Promoting Te Reo Māori